Events and Activities - SJACS Mentoring Scheme 2011-12 Closing Ceremony/ Hotpot Dinner

SJACS Mentoring Scheme 2011-12

Closing Ceremony/ Hotpot Dinner


The academic year 2011-12 had drawn to a close.  To celebrate the closing of the Mentoring Program for the year, a dinner was organized in a restaurant close by the old campus.  On the evening of Saturday, 30 June, 64 participants including mentors, mentees, principal and teachers started to arrive from 6.30 pm.  It was yet another occasion for catching up and exchanging news and information.


The program coordinators this year were Mr. Tang Man Wai (Career Master) and William Hui (Mentor).  It was agreed that it would be nice to try something different from the usual BBQ, and so they decided to go for a ‘steam bowl, all-you-can-eat’ format this time, and what a great choice it turned out to be!  It did not take long before eager diners got themselves sweating over the hot pots.  It was also an excellent way to start lively conversations.


The mentors went round to each table to socialize with the mentees. The more formal part of the evening began with William’s address, followed by Mr. Tang’s.  Then Principal Paul Yeung was invited to say a few words.  Last to address the gathering was mentor Andrew Li, who first pioneered the development of this particular program for SJACS.  Andrew urged all mentees to take more initiatives to keep up contact with their mentors.  He also extolled the virtue of using English more frequently since better English would definitely be most useful in pursuing higher education.


The party went on till about 10 p.m.  The last formal announcement that evening was the launch of a University Scholarship Scheme by Rev. Bro. Paul Sun Education Foundation.  The purpose of this new program is to encourage Josephians to excel and aim high.


It was a happy occasion for all, and it paved the way for yet another successful program for the coming academic year.
