Events and Activities - Wine Dinner at Foreign Correspondents Club (18 May 2011)

Wine Dinner at Foreign Correspondents Club

Thanks to Dr. Cheung Sek Hong’s arrangement, an enjoyable dinner party was shared by Josephians on the evening of May 18 at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Central. The participants were: Dr. Cheung Sek Hong, Benny Ma, Dr. Lai Kang Yiu, Danny Ngai, Dr. Peter Lo, Peter Auyeung, Andrew Li, Matthias Li, Daniel Li and Ng Man Kin.

The wine dinner featured wines from Portugal, including outstanding selections from the famous Douro region, which is making quite a name for itself in recent years in the international wine market. An excellent menu paired with outstanding wines ensured the party got off on the right foot.

There was lively conversation, and soon it led to the topic of who would become the next Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, a million dollar question! Danny and Andrew soon cooked up a wager each backing a known contender for the post, with Dr. Lai later joining in with a ‘none of the above’! All the others were equally happy as they would get a free dinner whatever the outcome. However, the result won’t be known for sometime. This particular development of the evening would appear to have a fair bid to do with the generous free flow of wine.

Another invitation that came out of the evening was from Peter Auyeung, our retired CPA now living in Shang Ping, Dongguang. He issued an open invitation to everyone to come to his birthday party in October. Matthias Li was the first to support Peter, followed up on the very next day with an email confirming his participation.

For all those who don’t want to miss the next function of the group, please make sure your contact details get onto Auyeung’s ever-expanding list.

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