Events and Activities - SJACS Mentor Program Party 5 Jun 2010

As the school year draws to a finish with summer approaching, it is again time for mentors and mentees to get together. The first group of mentees in the program’s first year trial comes from F.5. For them exams are all but over. While waiting for the results to come out in early August, they have all the time in the world to relax and prepare themselves for the future. What could be better than going on an outing with the mentors?

Under the sponsorship of the Josephian Association and the mentors, some 24 mentees joined an outing at the White Head golf driving range on the afternoon of Saturday, 5th June 2010. Mr. Tang Wai Man, teacher coordinator of the Program organized the mentees to arrive at 4.30 p.m. to start some golf practice. For most, it was their first time experiencing this game. They sure had a go at it and found it fun.

It was a very nice day. Many mentors turned up in force to support this outing and to spend some quality time with the mentees. Teachers were not left out either. Quite a number of teachers came to join the party. Soon, the BBQ pits were fired up and the real action began for our budding young golfers who had by then worked up quite an appetite. The party did well, polishing off all the drinks and meats, including a suckling piglet.

It was great St. Joseph’s family spirit!
